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Recently Dialed Menu

The Recently Dialed menu is automatically generated from the phone numbers you dial with Dialectic. The order is from most recently dialed at the top going back through your calls until the maximum number of entries to track has been reached (this number is defined in the miscellaneous preferences section up to a maximum of 50). To dial any of the numbers included in the menu, simply select the desired number and it will dial using the current Location & Dialing Rules.

This menu is available from the main window and the main menu. Additionally, you can optionally display the Recently Dialed menu as a separate top level menu (as a status menu when running in background mode; as a regular application menu when running in foreground mode). To enable the Recently Dialed menu as a separate menu, see the interface preferences.

When you dial any number with Dialectic, the number (and name, if available) will be added to the top of the Recently Dialed menu. If this number was already listed in the menu, the previously listed entry will be removed and only included at the top (the criteria for this is an exact match including an associated name & the exact phone number formatting). To clear this menu, select “Clear Recent Numbers” from any of the Recently Dialed menu instantiations or from the miscellaneous preferences.

This is a convenience menu and not really meant as a record of all of your calls. For this, Dialectic provides the comprehensive Call Log.

Related Topics

Main Window

Main Menu

Interface Preferences

Miscellaneous Preferences

Call Log

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