There are three utility windows accessible from the main menu and the main window. To access these windows from the main window, in the lower left corner are buttons for accessing them:
These utility windows are intended for rapid use and dismissal. Only one utility window can be open at a time; if you open a utility window while a different utility window is already open, the previously open utility window will close. Since these windows open below the main window, if you use the Lookup feature, any open utility window will close to allow the Lookup results to be appended to the bottom of the main window. Further, since these windows are positioned below the main window, if the main window is positioned at the bottom of the screen, the utility windows may be obscured. If you want to use the utility windows, reposition the main window closer to the top of the display to ensure proper display of the utility window.
Finally, since the utility windows are linked to the main window so they respond to the opacity & shadow options for the main menu that you configure in the interface section of the preferences.