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Dialectic is a very versatile piece of software (actually, it’s many pieces of software tied together — hopefully seamlessly!) but, at its heart, it is made for dialing. In today’s world, dialing can have a multitude of meanings: it can be connecting to a landline, a mobile phone, a softphone on a computer running a VoIP service, or connecting to any number of other devices or services.

Further, as more people increase their communications devices & services it has become more complicated to reach those people as we now need to include extra area codes, credit card numbers, or other dialing prefixes & suffixes. This is complex stuff! This is why we’ve developed Dialectic: to make dialing in today’s complex telephonic world easier — even fun!

To allow Dialectic to work its magic, though, you need to configure it for your system:

Once configured, you need to be able to actually tell Dialectic what numbers you want to dial. To do this, we’ve created a section that details the various ways to dial. In addition, since Dialectic is all about versatility, even with robust Dialing Rules, there may be times when you want to override your current settings and modify dialing for this one call. For more information on this, see the Dialing Modifiers section.

Related Topics

Ways to Dial

Dialing Modifiers

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