Any time you dial by any means, you can hold down certain modifier keys to affect how dialing works. These modifier keys are as follows:
- Shift-Control. Before dialing actually proceeds, a dialog appears where you can choose the Location for this call “on-the-fly”. Your Location settings are not changed; the Location you choose in the dialog will be used for this call only.
The Shift-Control modifier precedes all others: that is, it is possible to use it, and then use any of the others, on the same call. That’s because when the dialog appears everything comes to a stop, and it is then possible, after choosing a Location, to proceed to dial — and as you proceed, the remaining modifiers can be applied.
Thus, Shift-Control actually has two meanings. If you hold Shift-Control as you start to dial, it brings up the dialog where you change the Location “on-the-fly”. If you hold Shift-Control in that dialog as you proceed to dial, it now means Shift and Control, so you will now invoke the Disable Call Waiting prefix and the Call ID Block prefix, as stated below. - Shift. The Disable Call Waiting prefix, if your current Location has one, will be used.
- Control. The Caller ID Block prefix, if your current Location has one, will be used.
- Option. The call will be dialed literally. In other words, no attempt will be made to interpret the call type (Internal, Local, Long-Distance, etc.) and attach prefixes in accordance with your current Dialing Rules; instead, the digits will be dialed exactly as provided.
- Command. If (and only if) the current call is set to dial through the speakers, causes the computer to read the phone number aloud, using text-to-speech, rather than dialing.