In the Dialectic Remote section of the Preferences, you can set up this copy of Dialectic as a remote dial service, meaning that another copy of Dialectic elsewhere on your network can use this copy of Dialectic to dial.
In addition, you can use an internal HTTP server to listen for requests from external sources (such as certain IP phones) that don’t support AppleScript. The Dialectic remote HTTP server supports commands for dialing, detecting an incoming call, adding a call log entry, and retrieving the call log & quick dial numbers. For more information, see: Dialectic Remote HTTP Server.
Enable Dialectic Remote Dial Service. This checkbox will toggle the remote dial service on this machine on and off. Note: You must supply a name and password below to enable the service on this machine.
Name. This name will be broadcast to other copies of Dialectic elsewhere on the network, and it should be such as to identify this machine clearly. For example include your name & the computer’s name or the physical location of the computer (e.g., “iMac in the basement”).
Password. To enable the Dialectic Remote Dial Service, you must provide a password here. Other Dialectic clients will automatically see the service name entered above but they must know the password you enter here to actually have Dialectic on this machine process the call request. This allows you to limit who can dial on this machine by limiting access to the password itself.
Port. If you are using Dialectic on OS X 10.5+ without the firewall enabled, using the “Dynamic” port option should work fine. For more information, please see the firewall documentation from Apple.
Also, if you have enabled Wide-Area Bonjour and you are using a router to manage your network, it may be necessary to use a fixed port and configure your router to send requests on this port to your machine. Please see the documentation that came with your router for more information.
Also see Firewalls, Proxies, & Ports for more information.
Fixed Port Number. As mentioned above, if you need to use a dynamic port number due to use of Wide-Area Bonjour, then enter the specific port number to use here (it will only be enabled if you choose the “Fixed” option to the left).
Enable Dialectic Remote HTTP Server. This checkbox will toggle the remote HTTP server on this machine on and off. Note: You must supply a password and port below to enable the server on this machine.
Password. To enable the Dialectic remote HTTP server, you must provide a password here. Users must know the password you enter here to actually have the HTTP server process the any supported request. This allows you to limit who can access the features of Dialectic on this machine.
Port. To enable the Dialectic remote HTTP server, you must provide a port number for the HTTP server. This port will be used to listen for HTTP requests and calls from remote devices must include this port number as well as the IP address of this machine (and the password) to successfully contact the HTTP server.
Test Dialectic Remote HTTP Server. Once the Dialectic remote HTTP server is running, this button will become active. At this point, you can use this button to open a page that demonstrates using all of the supported HTTP commands and provides URLs that you can use to access the server.