Dialectic Icon


Dialectic supports a Firefox Extension called “Dialectic Dialer” that allows you to select a phone number on a webpage then Control-click on the selection to bring up a contextual menu that will enable you to send the selected number to Dialectic for dialing.

To install the Dialectic Dialer extension, see the extras section of the Dialectic preferences. Note: The option to install this extension will not be available if Firefox is not installed on this machine.

By default, when using the Dialectic Dialer Firefox Extension, you will be asked to confirm that you want to dial the selected text. You can disable this confirmation by going to the Extensions pane of the Add-ons section from the Tools menu in Firefox. From this pane, select the Dialectic Dialer item and then click on the “Preferences” button. From the resulting dialog, disable the option to “Confirm in Firefox Before Dialing” (you can always re-enable this option at a later date).

To uninstall or disable the Dialectic Dialer Firefox Extension, again, go to the Extensions pane of the Add-ons section from the Tools menu in Firefox. From this pane, select the Dialectic Dialer item and then click on the “Uninstall” or “Disable” button as appropriate. Please see the Firefox documentation for more information on extension add-ons.

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