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Description: This is a quick demo to show how to use the ABPeoplePicker and the AddressBook.framework to return information from the Address Book database to your AppleScript Studio project without opening Address Book.app.

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Description: A (buggy) status menu project to show your AirPort signal strength.

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Description: A small application that registers a global hotkey and then performs an AppleScript when the hotkey is pressed.

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Description: Uses the cal command and a table to draw a monthly calendar.

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Description: Just a basic project to demonstrate how to use checkbox cells in a table.

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Description: A basic project that has a color well and a text field. Choosing a color in the color well updates the text field with the HEX value of the color and vice versa (entering a HEX value in the text field updates the color in the color well). This uses some custom Obj-C methods to do the color conversions.

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Description: This project allows your to enter a basic shell command and then it will execute that command via a “do shell script” call, piping the output to a temporary file. While the shell command is active, the project will continually read this temporary output file and update an auto-scrolling text view to give you something of an output log for your shell command.

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Description: Demonstrates how to use the new NSDatePicker object. It also includes a stepper for adjusting the time of a graphical NSDatePicker object.

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Description: Shows how to set the level of a window to just behind the desktop icons. The window is still accessible by the user but it floats behind all other windows and objects.

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Description: A small app that allows you to drag and drop any file to quickly set its file and creator codes.

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Description: A project that shows how to implement drag and drop to list files and folders with file type filtering.

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Description: A basic project that shows how to use the disclosure button to expand and contract a window.

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Description: Simply shows how to use a reference to get the contents of specific rows of a data source of a table whose rows satisfy some test.

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Description: A simple image viewer that allows you to choose a folder full of JPEGs and then loads those images into a table with an image cell.

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Description: Demonstrates how to use the Keychain Scripting Addition to access your keychain keys.

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Description: Two projects, really. One project is just a Cocoa bundle which is then added to the second project. The second project shows how to load the nested bundle and use its resources. In the first bundle, there is a nib which the second project loads. Since the objects in the nib are attached to a script with the same name as the script in the second bundle, when the nested bundle’s nib is loaded by the second project, it automatically uses the handlers from the parent script. (We know we're not doing a great job describing this one, but download it and take a look anyway, it will make much more sense if you can see it in action.)

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Description: You always knew your Mac was smart, but did you know it could read your mind? Run this and see if it reads your mind — or blows it!

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Description: Very basic demonstration of how to use popup and drop-down menu buttons.

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Description: A demonstration of using QTKit (requires Mac OS X 10.4+) to load a movie in a QTMovieView and then get properties of that movie (current size, default size, duration, current time, etc.). If you need compatibility earlier than Mac OS X 10.4, then try this project: QT (NS) which does not use QTKit.

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Description: Many people have asked how you use a cancel button to stop a repeat loop. This project shows how to start a loop with a progress window and cancel the loop when the user clicks a stop or cancel button.

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Description: You guessed it, this one shows how to swap the data of a table.

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Description: This project demonstrates how to use popup cells in your tables.

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Description: You’re good. Yep, a demonstration of how to make titleless windows.

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Description: A project that shows how to use an NSPeoplePicker object in a drawer. A disclosure button opens the drawer to reveal a people picker. Selecting a contact in the people picker allows you to update content in the main window (extracting from the Address Book data using the AddressBook.framework including the contact’s picture, if available). It also shows how to set the people picker programmatically.

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Description: This shows how to fade a window in and out for a more pleasing UI than just having a window pop open or closed by adjusting its alpha.