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When I dial my iPhone with Dialectic, my Bluetooth headset loses its connection. Why is that?

The iPhone’s Bluetooth implementation is limited so Dialectic can only dial the iPhone using the headset channel. This means paired headsets will be disconnected at dial time. However, Dialectic immediately severs its connection to the iPhone after dialing so simply pressing the talk button on your headset after the call is initiated will reconnect it and allow you to conduct the conversation with the headset. An exception to this is if you are monitoring incoming calls to your iPhone with Dialectic. In this case, after dialing, Dialectic will maintain its connection. If you use an external headset with your iPhone (or other device that can only be monitored on the headset channel), it is not recommended that you use Dialectic to monitor your phone for incoming calls.

Related Topics

Bluetooth Phone Dial Method - Standard


Monitoring Devices

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