An Internal call is usually one made between your extension and another extension within your organization without the need to go through an outside circuit. These numbers are generally shorter than other numbers.
Configure Call Type. Choose the “Internal” call type from this pop-up menu to specify how Internal calls should be handled.
Dial Method & Configuration. The Dial Method type & configuration that should be used for Internal calls. Specify the Dial Method type on the left and the specific Dial Method configuration on the right.
Update All Call Type Configurations. If you want to use the Internal Dial Method configuration for all call types, click the button to the right of the configuration pop-up menu. This allows you to easily set the Dial Method configuration for all call types but you may still need to modify the individual call type settings (such as local area codes) as necessary for proper dialing from your locale.
Prefix. If you need a prefix for Internal calls, enter it here and it will be added at the beginning of your number before dialing. If your number already starts with this prefix, it will not be added by the Dialing Rules.
Suffix. If you need a suffix for Internal calls, enter it here and it will be added at the end of your number before dialing. If your number already ends with this prefix, it will not be added by the Dialing Rules.
Digit Threshold. Enter the maximum number of digits a number can contain (ignoring any prefix or suffix that may be added by the Dialing Rules) to be considered an Internal call. If the number contains more digits than this threshold, it will progress down the call type logic chain next going to the Local call type for identification.