Here are some tips to make interacting with Dialectic a little easier & faster:
- By default, all windows (except the Preferences window) will be constrained to the main display (and snap to the edges of the display). However, if you hold down the Option key when moving the windows, snap-to-edges will be disabled and you can freely move the windows wherever you’d like, including to a secondary display.
- You can drag & drop files into the various path fields for setting external scripts/applications such as preprocessing, pre-dialing, notifications, etc. They also have contextual menus for revealing the items in the Finder.
- In the iconic path fields, you can double-click on any item in the path to reveal that item in the Finder (you can also act on the entire path using the contextual menu, just Control-click on the path).
- All URL fields can be dragged to produce links in browsers or webloc files if dragged to the Finder.
- Various controls have built-in contextual menus (e.g., the Call Log) for acting on the data displayed in the controls. Press Control when clicking on these controls to display the contextual menus.
- Transitions can be customized/disabled in the interface preferences.
- Hold down the Shift key when performing animated actions to see those animations in slow motion. For example, holding down Shift when switching panes in the Preferences window runs the animated transition at a slow speed.