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What should I do to help troubleshoot an issue?

If you are having problems, there are a few things you can do to attempt to rectify the issue. One thing to try is to quit Dialectic (if it is open) and then move the preferences file to the Desktop. This will resolve many common issues. The preference file is named “com.jen.dialectic.plist” and can be found in your preferences folder (~ is shorthand for your Home folder):


If you are using OS X 10.7+, your user Library folder may be hidden on your system. You can access this folder from the Finder by holding the Option key down then selecting “Library” from the “Go” menu.

By moving this file, Dialectic will revert to its “factory defaults” though you should still have your Quick Dial numbers, call log, and notes. If this resolves the issue, there was a problem with the original preferences file and it should probably not be used. If the problem persists, quit Dialectic and then enable verbose logging. by relaunching the application while holding down the Shift & Control keys. When it is launched you can let go of the keys and the verbose log file will be revealed in the Finder. Try recreating the steps that lead to the issue and if the problem arises again, please send the log file as an attachment to an email message to our support group. The log file can be found in the Dialectic log folder:


When submitting a log file, please also include as much information as possible including the steps you took to recreate the problem and any other pertinent details that may help us identify and correct the issue.

Related Topics

Verbose Logging

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