When Dialectic is launched normally, it will add a few short messages periodically to the Console.log. If there’s a problem using Dialectic on your system, we may ask you to launch Dialectic while holding down the Control & Shift keys; this will create an external dialectic.log file and will cause verbose logging messages to be written to it. This will be used to assist us in tracking down the issue. When you enable the verbose logging feature, the log entries will be added to an external log file (~ is shorthand for your Home folder):
It is also possible to turn on verbose logging permanently (and thus to write to this file each time you launch Dialectic even if you are not holding down the Control & Shift keys). To do so quit Dialectic (if it is launched) then, in the Terminal, enter this command:
defaults write com.jen.dialectic verboseLoggingEnabled -bool yes
And to turn it off at some later date, also in the Terminal, enter:
defaults write com.jen.dialectic verboseLoggingEnabled -bool no
If you enable verbose logging with the key command, the log file will automatically be displayed in the Finder. If you permanently enable the verbose logging feature by using the defaults command above, the log file will not be revealed in the Finder each time your launch the application.