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To generate individual touchtone sounds manually through your computer’s speakers, use the Keypad window. The Keypad window is one of the three utility windows that you can summon from the main window.

main window keypad

To summon the Keypad window, click the # button in the main window. Or, if the main window is not open, choose Show Main Window > Show Keypad from the main menu.

The Keypad window portrays the 12 keys of a standard telephone keypad.

In the Keypad window, to generate a touchtone sound, click the mouse on a keypad “key” in the window, or press a numeric key (or letter, if the keypad “key” has a letter equivalent) on your keyboard. The sound is generated through your computer’s speaker (or whatever physical device your computer is using for standard sound output) for as long as you hold down the mouse or the keyboard key.

If you hold a physical telephone headset up to your computer speaker (or other sound output device), the phone will respond to the touchtone sounds.

To dismiss the Keypad window, click the # button in the main window again (or summon a different utility window). Or, choose Hide Main Window > Hide Keypad from the main menu.

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