This section deals with options that control how Dialectic is launched and what happens when it is launched.
Check for Updates. If enabled, Dialectic will automatically check an online repository for updates and, if available, offer to download the latest version for you. Even if you do not enable the automated check at startup, you can click the “Check Now” button to manually check for updates at any time (you can also check for updates from the main menu).
Add to Login Items. To have Dialectic launch whenever you login to your account, enable this option and it will be added to your login items list associated with the current account.
Open Main Window on Launch. With this enabled, the main window will open when you first launch the application. If disabled, the application will not open the main window at launch and sit unobtrusively until you need to use the utility.
Launch Application or AppleScript on Launch. You can use this option to automatically run an application or script when Dialectic launches. This could be used to establish a connection to a remote dial service, or even a script to automate your home theater to mute it in anticipation of using Dialectic to make a call. AppleScript is virtually unlimited in its capabilities and these are mere suggestions of things you could do with a script. For example startup scripts, visit the Resources page (see the “Startup Scripts” section):