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Can I use Dialectic to play an audio file over the phone?

No... and yes, maybe. It depends on the Dial Method used for the call. Dialectic can be used to dial a number at a specified time (for example, triggered by a Calendar alarm at a specific time by a script). A script could also start a pre-recorded file (or even text-to-speech). However, using the modem, speaker, or Bluetooth modem as your Dial Method, the audio will not be transmitted. Most modems, including the modems that ship with Apple computers and the Apple external USB modem, do not support voice communications which is required for this type of feature. So, even if Dialectic offered it, most likely, your modem could not support it. Using another Dial Method such as the Softphone Dial Method, though, you might be able to use third-party software such as Soundflower to route the audio through the target application. When the audio is finished, you could script the target application to terminate the call. This is not exactly a trivial endeavor but, if you absolutely need it, it might be possible.

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